Sentence example with the word 'substantiated'


actual, borne out, circumstantiated, determined, factual, objectively true, settled, true as gospel, undoubted, unmistaken, veracious

Last update: July 1, 2015


No defence apparently was possible; there are hints, not well substantiated, of treachery; there is greater probability of surprise.   [Please select]


He knew that his charge was groundless, yet here it was substantiated in a very remarkable manner.   [Please select]


Enough that it fully substantiated the charge which Ralph had brought against his early guardian.   [Please select]


Events follow swiftly in her tale, but all is thoroughly coherent, and a number of facts are included which could be substantiated.   [Please select]


In that time you will have heard from your wardens and my story will be substantiated.   [Please select]


This is the first seemingly substantiated record of the species from Borneo, although it probably occurs there regularly.   [Please select]


Lewkowitsch strongly emphasizes this point and he is substantiated in his idea by other authorities.   [Please select]


In the following copy of a recent affidavit sent us, date not given, these last matters are sufficiently substantiated.   [Please select]


The reader may be interested, however, to have my estimate of the claim which can in fact be substantiated under Annex I.   [Please select]


It is rumoured that he has a new clew, but it cannot be substantiated.   [Please select]


This is one of the most fully substantiated of historical facts and one which we can never neglect in our attempts to explain man as he now is.   [Please select]

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substantiate - substantiated - substantiates