Sentence example with the word 'subregion'


Last update: June 17, 2015


The vegetation of the subregion is rich in shrubs: myrtle, bay, Cistus, Pistacia, A rbz;tus, heaths in its western portion, and the ground-palm (Chamaerops).   [Please select]


Moreover, the greater number of these are exclusively Antarctic species, restricted to the Patagonian Subregion.   [Please select]


Two of these are widely diffused over all America, the remaining three are Antarctic species belonging to the Patagonian subregion.   [Please select]


The Rhea is, above all other birds, a most characteristic representative of the Avifauna of the Patagonian subregion.   [Please select]


[A * indicates that a species or subspecies has only been found in one physiographical region or subregion so far as the Indian Empire is concerned; a.   [Please select]


On the other hand, the Slender-billed Plover (_Oreophilus ruficollis_) and the Winter Plover (_Eudromias modesta_) are species highly characteristic of the Patagonian subregion, and come to the neighbourhood of Buenos Ayres from a contrary direction.   [Please select]

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subpubic - subregion - subreptions