Sentence example with the word 'subpoenaed'


Last update: September 18, 2015


Le Caron was subpoenaed by The Times, and in the witness-box the whole story came out, all the efforts of Sir Charles Russell in cross-examination failing to shake his testimony, or to impair the impression of iron tenacity and absolute truthfulness which his bearing conveyed.   [Please select]


You have seen them caught in the act, and you may expect to be subpoenaed as witness for the state when the trial comes off.   [Please select]


O'Leary's recent sojourn in the Tyee Lumber Company's hospital, and thereupon, verbally subpoenaed him to appear before a coroner's jury the following day at ten o'clock A.   [Please select]


Many were witnesses subpoenaed by the Government, others had been called by Burr, and yet others brought upon the scene by varied interests, or by the sheer, compelling curiosity which the trial evoked.   [Please select]

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subpoena - subpoenaed - subpoenas