Sentence example with the word 'subjectivity'


Definition n. judgment based on individual personal impressions and feelings and opinions rather than external facts

Last update: August 9, 2015


Reid has a variety of names for the principles which, by their presence, lift us out of subjectivity into perception.   [Please select]


However gratefully one may welcome the OBJECTIVE spirit--and who has not been sick to death of all subjectivity and its confounded IPSISIMOSITY.   [Please select]


The third part is divided into the sections, subjectivity (concept, judgment, syllogism), objectivity (mechanism, chemism, teleology), and the Idea (life, cognition, the absolute Idea).   [Please select]


I come now to a characteristic which, though difficult to define, comes much nearer to what we require, namely subjectivity.   [Please select]


Subjectivity, as a characteristic of mental phenomena, was considered in Lecture VII, in connection with the definition of perception.   [Please select]


Subjectivity is the characteristic of perspectives and biographies, the characteristic of giving the view of the world from a certain place.   [Please select]


There are arguments, shortly to be examined, for their subjectivity, but these arguments seem to me only to prove _physiological_ subjectivity, i.   [Please select]

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