Under Galba, to the general astonishment, at the end of 68 he was chosen to command the army of Lower Germany, and here he made himself popular with his subalterns and with the soldiers by outrageous prodigality and excessive good nature, which soon proved fatal to order and discipline. [Please select]
The Chaplain moved on through the dust, and privates, sergeants, and subalterns called one another's attention to the boy. [Please select]
He generally was rude nowadays, and had been haled before a subalterns' court-martial only the previous evening for that very reason. [Please select]
Some teachers are subalterns in the company or Red Cross men. [Please select]
Secondly, their subalterns were not mounted on parade, as is the general rule, but walked at the head of their men. [Please select]
I hated the job, but I had to do it to prevent my subalterns going to glory. [Please select]
The monk who invented gunpowder modified sculpture; strength is only necessary now among subalterns. [Please select]
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