Medicinally, gallic acid has been, and is still, largely used as an astringent, styptic and haemostatic. Gallic acid, however, does not coagulate albumen and therefore possesses no local astringent action. [Please select]
The water in which it was dipped operated as a styptic, as a febrifuge, and possessed other properties as a medical talisman. [Please select]
Mialhi's Tooth Powder--Camphorated Chalk--Quinine Tooth Powder--Prepared Charcoal--Peruvian Bark Powder--Homoeopathic Chalk--Cuttle-Fish Powder--Borax and Myrrh--Farina Piesse's Dentifrice--Rose Tooth Powder--Opiate Paste--Violet Mouth Wash--Eau Botot--Botanic Styptic--Tincture of Myrrh and Borax--Myrrh with Eau de Cologne--Camphorated Eau de Cologne SECTION XVI. [Please select]
If there is any hæmorrhage, bathe with very cold water in which alum has been dissolved, and apply a styptic, as tannic acid or perchloride of iron. [Please select]
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