Sentence example with the word 'striations'


Last update: August 25, 2015


In many of those ants whose third abdominal segment forms a second " node," the basal dorsal region of the fourth segment is traversed by a large number of very fine transverse striations; over these the sharp hinder edge of the third segment can be scraped to and fro, and the result is a stridulating organ which gives rise to a note of very high pitch.   [Please select]


The magnifying-glass looks in vain for the fine striations usually found in the musical instruments of the insect world.   [Please select]


Coxal file: in some aquatic Coleoptera a series of striations just above the hind coxa of male and, perhaps, a stridulating organ.   [Please select]


The presence of striations running along the tube is generally an indication of hard, inferior glass.   [Please select]


_Female_: above pale brown striated with black; distinct superciliaries white; beneath paler, cineraceous white with black striations; smaller, and bill shorter.   [Please select]


_Female_: above grey, densely striated with black; beneath dirty white, with dense black striations, belly and crissum fulvous.   [Please select]


The length and regularity of the lines of separation seem to preclude their being striations resulting from the fibrous structure of wrought iron.   [Please select]

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striation - striations - stricken