Sentence example with the word 'strang'


Last update: October 19, 2015


Strang, and meant that which is strongly or tightly twisted; it is related to " strong," and is to be referred to the root seen also in Lat.   [Please select]


The roses haven't changed a bit, nor have the peonies stranged a bit, They bud and bloom the way they did before the war began.   [Please select]


Mr Strang was also out, smothered in winter garments, and with an enormous Makinaw blanket over all.   [Please select]


I'se warrant he gied ye some strang condemnations o' the poors that be.   [Please select]


"Ye are strang, Quentin," suggested Peter, who now understood the reason of his friend's wild despair.   [Please select]


"I know you will, Lumley," returned Mr Strang, "and I must do you the justice to say that I think the governor has shown his usual wisdom in the selection."   [Please select]


The nicht, ye see, wass uncommon dark, an' when the fog came doon i' the mornin', I could na' feel sure we had keep it the richt coorse, for the currents hereaboots are strang.   [Please select]

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strands - strang - strange