Sentence example with the word 'stockaded'


Last update: August 11, 2015


Late in the same year or early in 1615 a stockaded trading post called Fort Nassau was erected on Castle Island, now within the limits of Albany, and a few huts were erected about this time or earlier on the southern extremity of Manhattan Island; but no effort at colonization was as yet made.   [Please select]


A great portion of the town was destroyed and the place stockaded, and then all was in readiness for the advance upon Coomassie.   [Please select]


The search began in earnest one sweltering afternoon on June 8, 1731, at the little stockaded fort on the banks of the St.   [Please select]


Harold had the advantage of a stockaded fort he had built; William, that of a body of cavalry and archers, for the English fought on foot with javelins and battle-axes mainly.   [Please select]


Thus he came upon the trail of The Sheik's band as it traveled down river from the point where The Sheik had captured Meriem to his own stockaded village.   [Please select]

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stockade - stockaded - stockades