Sentence example with the word 'stipulate'


agree, call for, demand, engage, indicate, make reservations, pin down, require, signify, stipulate for

Definition v. specify as a condition or requirement in a contract or agreement

Last update: June 14, 2015


The money lander stipulated that the money should be returned with in five months.   [verb]


What right has one who is almost a pauper to stipulate for a wealthy son-in-law.   [verb]


Sir Arthur only stipulated, that a little ragged boy, for the guerdon of one penny sterling, should run to meet his coachman, and turn his equipage back to Knockwinnock.   [verb]


It was also stipulated that it be entered of record in the recorder's office of Avoyelles.   [verb]


Now, when a governmental loan is once contracted, and the interest is once stipulated, the budget cannot be reduced.   [verb]


Things being in this situation, I thought a fairer opportunity of vindicating my character could not offer than that which now presented itself; I therefore stipulated with Mrs.   [verb]


"No ceremony," he stipulated, "and no dinner dress, and say to-morrow."   [verb]


Fat beeves are driven thither and shot at, a stipulated price being demanded for the privilege.   [verb]


Neither did she ever give me any money,or anything but my daily dinner,nor ever stipulate that I should be paid for my services.   [verb]


You will stipulate, I see, for peculiar termswhat will they be.   [verb]


As it was, she merely stipulated, "If you bring the boy back with his head blown to bits by a musket, don't look to me to put it together again."   [verb]

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stippling - stipulate - stipulated