Avoid any grayish stippling on the breast of the drake and also on the wing-bows. [Please select]
Take a stippling tool--if no such tool is at hand, a cup-pointed nail set will do--and stamp the background. [Please select]
The finishing touch to their delicate beauty is the fine stippling all over the surface. [Please select]
The fins are transparent and stippled with brown, the stippling being most pronounced on the posterior two-thirds of the upper tail-fin. [Please select]
The grayish stippling on the posterior ventral surfaces mentioned by Conant (1953:9) is not visible on these specimens. [Please select]
The morning wind stirred the black stippling that edged his tawny fur, showing the gold-gray undercoat beneath it. [Please select]
In other eggs the stippling is altogether wanting, and the markings are smaller and less well-defined. [Please select]
Page 222 (Index): "stipling" changed to "stippling" (Gray stippling on Penciled Runner drakes). [Please select]
His style was broad and simple, with tints beautifully laid, without resort to stippling. [Please select]
But against this indefinite, vitreous background the opaque white uric cells stand out distinctly in their myriads; and the effect of this stippling is a sketchy but by no means inelegant costume. [Please select]
Furthermore, specimens from the coast have less stippling in the gular region than do those from the Sierra de Coalcomán and the slopes of the Cordillera Volcánica. [Please select]
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