Sentence example with the word 'stinted'


abstemious, confined, frugal, impoverished, meager, paltry, restricted, scrimpy, slim, starvation, thin, windbound

Last update: October 14, 2015


Cursed with such immoderate fluency Lydgate could not sustain himself at the highest level of artistic excellence; and, though imbued with a sense of the essentials of poetry, and eager to prove himself in its various manifestations, he stinted himself of the self-discipline necessary to perfection of form.   [Please select]


I wouldn't have you stinted for the world, Prissie, my dear.   [Please select]


Other entries showed too plainly that Miss Ailie stinted herself of food to provide delicacies for Miss Kitty.   [Please select]


The helpless and old cottagers were carried to the "Union" and, dying there, were buried by the stinted parish in parish coffins.   [Please select]


I saved and stinted and toiled and got him a commission in the army.   [Please select]


"I have given you your supper, and not stinted you in any way."   [Please select]


The Queen refused, with the rather strong observation--but she _did_ make strong observations--that an unruly beast must be stinted in his food.   [Please select]


The exercise must not be stinted, neither should confinement within doors be insisted upon.   [Please select]


Good nourishing food, sufficient in bulk, is absolutely imperative; for if the pups be stinted, the dogs will assuredly be weak.   [Please select]


If stinted for space, Egypt was happy in her soil and in her situation.   [Please select]


And it is not true what they tell you of your draperies: you are the only man alive who can render them picturesque and not absurd, refined and not stinted.   [Please select]

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stint - stinted - stinting