Sentence example with the word 'stevedore'


bearer, caddie, carrier pigeon, conveyer, docker, express, gun bearer, letter carrier, longshoreman, roustabout, stretcher-bearer, trucker, water carrier

Definition n. a laborer who loads and unloads vessels in a port

Last update: July 25, 2015


Stevedore has a very hard life.   [Please select]


Once he raised his voice, and a negro stevedore rushed frantically aft, as if he had received the end of a lightning-bolt.   [Please select]


A big stevedore carried her down two decks to where the gang-plank was thrown across.   [Please select]


It would have relieved his temper to unload a portion of it upon the offending stevedore.   [Please select]


He had been waiting for some such opportunity to discover more about his stevedore.   [Please select]


He had supposed that his stevedore had a small outfit and needed all the work she could get.   [Please select]


For the first and last time in the history of the world the profession of stevedore became a distinguished one.   [Please select]


Tie a square knot, a weaver's knot, a slip knot, a flemish coop, a bowline, a half, timber clove, boom hitches, stevedore and wall end knots, blackwall and catspaw turn and hitch hook hitches.   [Please select]


He was as serenely comfortable as a stevedore who dozes out of the long stupefaction of exhaustion to the realization that the day is a holiday.   [Please select]

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