Sentence example with the word 'sterna'


Definition n. a genus of Sterninae

Last update: October 11, 2015


Lameere's classification is founded on the number of abdominal sterna, the nervuration of the wings, the number of malpighian tubules (whether four or six) and other structural characters.   [Please select]


61 Ross's Gull Rhodostethia rosea 56 62 Sabine's Gull Xema sabini 56 63 Gull-billed Tern Gelochelidon nilotica 58 64 Caspian Tern Sterna caspia 57 65 Royal Tern " maxima 57 66 Elegant Tern " elegans 57 67 Cabot's Tern " sandvicensis acuflavida 57 [68] Trudeau's Tern " trudeaui A.   [Please select]


THE ARCTIC TERN STERNA MACRURA Bill slender, red throughout; under plumage ash-grey; tail much forked, longer than the wings; legs orange-red, in other respects very like the last.   [Please select]


THE LITTLE (OR LESSER) TERN STERNA MINUTA Bill orange, with a black tip; feet orange; forehead, and a streak above the eye, white; crown black; upper parts pearl-grey; under, white; tail much forked, shorter than the wings.   [Please select]

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