Sentence example with the word 'steamed'


Definition adj. cooked in steam

Last update: October 23, 2015


They saw others on the trail only once when an elderly couple steamed by them with a wave.   [Please select]


Then hold the hen over steam as hot as can be borne without scalding, until the parts are thoroughly steamed and relaxed.   [Please select]


The main body of its German defenders had steamed away down that land-locked sound of theirs a little while before.   [Please select]


That night they steamed into old Plymouth town, and the following morning were anchored safe at Devonport dock.   [Please select]


We steamed in slowly and lost sight of the Merrimac in the smoke, which the wind carried off shore.   [Please select]


] When the Marblehead and the Yankee steamed into the bay they began to make trouble for the Spaniards at once.   [Please select]


The Charleston steamed into the harbor, firing a few shots at the fort at its entrance.   [Please select]


The gong rang again when all these preparations had been made, and the Havana steamed slowly up the channel towards the bay.   [Please select]


A dozen trains, freight and passenger, puffed and steamed, waiting the word to depart.   [Please select]


Once more they steamed in the direction indicated, and soon discovered the wreck by the tar-barrels which she was burning.   [Please select]


The fight had lasted all through that calm spring morning when the _Monitor_ steamed off, across the shallows, still keeping carefully between the _Merrimac_ and _Minnesota_.   [Please select]

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steamboats - steamed - steamer