abet, area, bench mark, emplacement, latitude and longitude, locality, pinpoint, point, site, spot
Definitionn. the post or function properly or customarily occupied or served by another
Last update: September 29, 2015
The population of Buenos Aires assembled in armed bodies with the avowed intention of ejecting the governor from office, and electing in his stead a man who would give them a just administration. [Please select]
Because I had come in, in Marys stead, with the tray. [Please select]
I am here in his stead. [Please select]
That shall stand us in a good stead in Palestine. [Please select]
Amphion became king of Thebes in his uncle's stead. [Please select]
Mine shall lie in its stead. [Please select]
Well, our armour has stood us in good stead, Albert. [Please select]
His philosophy did not stand him in good stead, for it had no value in the market to which he brought it. [Please select]
"Then let's both take the watch below i'stead," said Philip, and they proceeded to stretch themselves out by the fire together.' [Please select]
The tea things did not come in; in their stead came pretty Mrs. [Please select]
But in its stead came something worse--hardness; and something that was worse still--an expression of revenge. [Please select]
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