The Union territories are now striving to get a statehood. . [Please select]
The history of Mississippi may be divided into the period of exploration (154 1699), the period of French rule (1699-1763), the period of English rule (1763-1781), the period of Spanish rule (1781-1798), the territorial period (1798-1817), and the period of statehood (1817 seq.). [Please select]
The Union territories are now striving to get a statehood. [Please select]
By the year 1837 the great territory lying east of Lake Michigan was ready for statehood. [Please select]
Beyond the Mississippi the empire of Louisiana doubled the original area of the Republic; Louisiana came into statehood in 1812 and Missouri in 1821. [Please select]
Illinois filled with equal rapidity, and attained statehood only two years later. [Please select]
--The election of Taylor, and California's application for statehood, brought on a crisis between the North and the South. [Please select]
To a people who had counted on statehood these concessions were small pinchbeck. [Please select]
Statehood meant to the pioneers self-government, dignity, and the right to dispose of land, minerals, and timber in their own way. [Please select]
Even this grudging concession of the formalities of statehood did not mean a full restoration of honors and privileges. [Please select]
While the war was in progress the United States yielded to the desires of Hawaii, and annexed the islands as a part of the United States, with the hope of their eventual statehood. [Please select]
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