Sentence example with the word 'stagnated'


Last update: October 24, 2015


Gradually, however, its energies became exhausted, till at last, completely overwhelmed, it stopped, an immovable projection stagnated to death-like rigidity.   [Please select]


She wanted to get out of her old life altogether and cultivate a side of her mind and character that had stagnated so far.   [Please select]


He began to despise the simple country people among whom he had grown up, and those provincial ideas which they cherished in the little, unknown nook of the world where they stagnated.   [Please select]


In spite of the truth and profundity of the psychological side of Gautama’s teaching, Buddhism stagnated and corrupted for the lack of that directive idea.   [Please select]

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stagnate - stagnated - stagnates