Sentence example with the word 'stably'


Definition adv. in a stable solid fixed manner

Last update: August 13, 2015


If the shaft is therefore to revolve stably this force must be balanced at any instant by the elastic resistanc of the shaft to deflexion.   [Please select]


We of course need a stable scheme of concepts, stably related with one another, to lay hold of our experiences and to co-ordinate them withal.   [Please select]


That earlier world was a world of barter and payment in kind, and it went slowly--and much more staidly and stably--for that reason.   [Please select]


So far as the pen's successors do but repeat the pen or, being different from it, are 'energetically'[70] related to it, it and they will form a group of stably existing physical things.   [Please select]


Capital had to be raised and the project stably launched.   [Please select]

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stablishment - stably - stabs