Sentence example with the word 'sprinting'


Last update: October 29, 2015


He'd told her not to run, but she found herself sprinting as soon as she was free of the dead demons.   [Please select]


Twice, by sprinting, the patrolman gained the front rank of the hunt, and twice he fired--both bullets going wide.   [Please select]


The particular subject of that discussion was their various sprinting abilities, and the comparative usefulness of various kinds of funk-holes as a protection against "J."   [Please select]


In this particular an athlete in sprinting is like the horse.   [Please select]


This must not lead the observer to think that jungle-fowl spend most of their time in sprinting across roads.   [Please select]


"I can hardly expect to obtain a horse, but let me once gain the chance, and I will show some sprinting."   [Please select]


You ask me whether you may be able to go where you desire; and I answer you that there is no limit to any journey except the sprinting ability of the pilgrim.   [Please select]


Just as Julian was shaking him, the clock in the study a clock Julian had won in his sprinting days chimed twelve very melodiously.   [Please select]

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sprinters - sprinting - sprit