Sentence example with the word 'spoor'


aroma, course, essence, gentle hint, index, key word, odor, sign, suggestion, track, whisper

Definition n. the trail left by a person or an animal

Last update: July 25, 2015


Let us fix our attention upon the Globigerina. It is the spoor of the   [Please select]


Toen zij de kunsttafel voorbijging, keek zij eens rond naar de bijdragen van haar zuster, maar kon er geen spoor van ontdekken.   [Please select]


The shikaree had often followed the spoor of wild elephants through the jungles of Bengal, and knew everything about their way of travelling.   [Please select]


He could follow spoor like a Bushman, and would have riddled the Portuguese Jew's track out of any jungle on earth.   [Please select]


I found the spoor of the man from the sea quite fresh on a patch of gravel above the tide-mark.   [Please select]


A number of the paths contained fresh spoor of elephants of all sizes, which had gone from the fountain in different directions.   [Please select]


Having selected the spoor of a mighty bull, the Bechuanas went ahead and I followed them.   [Please select]


On the 27th, as day dawned, I left my shooting-hole, and proceeded to inspect the spoor of my wounded elephant.   [Please select]


We haven't got much of a spoor, but we'll cast about, and with luck will pick it up.'   [Please select]


Almost at once his eye encountered the "spoor" left by the preceding lad.   [Please select]


And Numa, the lion, lying up for the day close beside last night's successful kill, blinked his yellow-green eyes and twitched his tawny tail as he caught the scent spoor of his ancient enemy.   [Please select]

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spoony - spoor - spoored