Sentence example with the word 'spittoons'


Last update: September 3, 2015


I cleaned his windows, and the bar, and the spittoons; and he lent me money to go where work would be plentiful.   [Please select]


You'll have to clean floors and wash spittoons and fill lamps and handle trunks--" "I'm willing, sir.   [Please select]


For two hours she waited to see President Johnson, in an anteroom "among the huge half-bushel-measure spittoons and terrible filth."   [Please select]


The lobby was full, and rather dirty, since the supply of spittoons was so far behind the demand.   [Please select]


Some were standing, hanging on to pillars, gesticulating, some were ranged in benches along the wall, and a chosen few were in chairs grouped around the spittoons.   [Please select]

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spittoon - spittoons - spitz