The king boldly advanced, and, meeting with two terrible sphinxes, laid them dead at his feet with the sword. [Please select]
"But we first entered through doors with sphinxes on either side, with a room where was a statue of Mehemet Ali." [Please select]
She was represented standing, in a long tunic; on her head was a helmet, ornamented with sphinxes and griffins; on her breast was the aegis, fringed with serpents and the Gorgon's head in centre. [Please select]
The placid sphinxes, brooding o'er the Nile, disappeared with that wild shriek of the donkey boys.' [Please select]
On the side of the steps leading to it lay Sphinxes of dark-green diorite. [Please select]
] The Egyptian sphinxes were figures having a human head and the body of a lion, symbolizing intelligence and power. [Please select]
Antonio on the Esquiline is also supported by crouching sphinxes (A.) [Please select]
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