The crystals belong to the orthorhombic system, and have usually a pyramidal habit (fig.), but may be sphenoidal or tabular. [Please select]
Damage to the sphenoidal fissure, which occurred prior to preservation, obscures its relationship to the optic foramen. [Please select]
_~--The origin is fleshy from the junction of the sphenoidal rostrum and the interorbital septum. [Please select]
Anteroventrally the sphenoidal fissure is bounded by the orbitosphenoid bone, and dorsolaterally by the alisphenoid bone. [Please select]
The skull has a sphenoidal fissure, a feature typical of the _umbrinus_ group of _Thomomys_. [Please select]
The ventral part of the orbit, containing the sphenopalatine foramen, presphenoid foramen, and the sphenoidal fissure, is not constricted as in _Liomys_, but is open like that of the squirrels. [Please select]
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