For accurate measurement of the displacements of lines of stellar spectra which are produced by the relative motion of star and observer in the line of sight, a very beautiful instrument has been devised by Dr J. [Please select]
"Ocular spectra," "colored spots," "phosphenes," such are the names that they have given to the phenomenon. [Please select]
Viewed with the spectroscope, this presents the spectrum of carbon, and generally so brilliant as to mask totally the spectra of other gases present. [Please select]
With Six Photographic Illustrations of Spectra, and numerous Engravings on Wood. [Please select]
The light is then decomposed in spectra, each overlapping the other. [Please select]
On the Spectra of Polarized Light Measurement of the Waves of Light INDEX ON LIGHT LECTURE I. [Please select]
Spectra are, however, formed by _diffraction_, wherein the distribution of both heat and light is different from that produced by the prism. [Please select]
These diffractive spectra have been examined with great skill by Draper and Langley. [Please select]
It follows, therefore, that these spectra may be made a sure test for the presence or absence of any particular metal. [Please select]
Miller gave drawings and descriptions of the spectra of various coloured flames. [Please select]
If a slit be shortened so as to form a square aperture, we have two series of spectra at right angles to each other. [Please select]
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