Sentence example with the word 'spalpeens'


Last update: September 24, 2015


"Ye spalpeens must be more careful in coming down-stairs," muttered Mickey, who supposed that the whole thing was an accident, as in his own case.   [Please select]


"There might be a dozen of the spalpeens slaaping there wid one eye open, or all sitting up and expicting me."   [Please select]


If one of the spalpeens should slip up and find you asleep, he'd never let you wake up.   [Please select]


"I thought he was the gintleman that had traveled, and knew all about these copper-colored spalpeens."   [Please select]


"That's just the plan of the spalpeens, by which towken, I'll tip him a shot."'   [Please select]


"The spalpeens have got enough of climbing up there for a while."   [Please select]


"The red spalpeens; they're always turning up when you don't expect 'em, and don't want 'em."'   [Please select]


The spalpeens must have manufactured that fire for our benefit, and where's the good that it has done them.   [Please select]


There we met people that had been all through this country and that knew all about it, and every one of the spalpeens told us that we'd lose our sculps if we comed on.   [Please select]


"It's meself that has n't seen or heard the least sign of one of the spalpeens since the set of sun, and they've been about us all the time."   [Please select]

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spalpeen - spalpeens - spancelled