Sentence example with the word 'spalls'


Last update: August 14, 2015


Its roof is a single flat stratum of limestone; its walls are well marked by lines of stratification; dripstone also partly covers the walls, fills a deep fissure at the end of the cave, and spreads over the floor, where it mingles with an ancient bed of ashes, forming an ash-breccia (mostly firm and solid) that encloses fragments of sandstone, flint spalls, flint implements, charcoal and bones.   [Please select]


There is also the site of a flint-working industry, a space 40 or 50 feet across being strewn with spalls, flakes, and chips.   [Please select]


The large number of cores, blocks, spalls, and flakes shows that many implements were made and repaired here.   [Please select]


These spalls and ends were brought in cars and dumped into the hopper of a No.   [Please select]


On the bottom of this trench there was placed a foundation of stone spalls 8 ins.   [Please select]


The masonry is good, and was composed of larger stones than usual, carefully chinked with spalls, the work being well done.   [Please select]


The masonry is very good, although chinking with spalls was but slightly employed to finish the exterior; inside it is more apparent.   [Please select]

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spall - spalls - spalpeen