Sentence example with the word 'sordidness'


Definition n. sordid dirtiness

Last update: October 24, 2015


If you don't tell him he will never notice, and I simply couldn't think of him living in the terrible squalor and sordidness which Mr.   [Please select]


The reader will not see what I have intended to paint, if he gets only an impression of caution, of economy, of sordidness and fatigue.   [Please select]


I was silent, the tears almost forcing themselves to my eyes at the pathetic sordidness of what I had heard.   [Please select]


But when youth had fled there ceased to be romance, and only sordidness was forthcoming.   [Please select]


How could he set, as it were, all of this sordidness against her sweetness.   [Please select]


I had seen it in its dirt and horror and sordidness, this thing they were going to.   [Please select]

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sordidly - sordidness - sords