Sentence example with the word 'snowy'


argent, cleanly, hoar, marmoreal, pure white, snow-blanketed, snow-feathered, snow-still, swan-white, unspotted, white as snow

Definition adj. marked by the presence of snow

Last update: August 20, 2015


The old fortifications (Schanzen) have been converted into promenades, which command wonderful views of the snowy Alps of the Bernese Oberland.   [Please select]


She was eager to roll her sleeves and beat a tub of soapy clothes to foam, and boil them snowy white.   [Please select]


The moonlight is a gentle thing, Which through the window gleams Upon the snowy pillow, where The happy infant dreams.   [Please select]


In shame she knew that they glanced appraisingly at her snowy overshoes, speculating about her legs.   [Please select]


Sylvia looked out into the winter sky, through the tops of snowy trees; everywhere the stark, deathly rigidity of winter.   [Please select]


Worldly people dyed their starch yellow; zealous folk made it blue; but moderate people kept it snowy white.   [Please select]


Their snowy plumage--all being white but their wing feathers--was admired, was envied, and their long bright colored legs were a wonder.   [Please select]


Sir George was a man of some age, with a face of exceptional pallor and a beard that was snowy white.   [Please select]


This being a sunny, sparkling, snowy afternoon, I ordered that dungeon of a playroom closed and the children out of doors.   [Please select]


Will would n't come up, he was so snowy, and Fanny was glad, because with her he was bashful, awkward, and silent, so Tom went down and entertained him with Maud's report.   [Please select]

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snowstorms - snowy - snubbed