Sentence example with the word 'snowstorm'


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Definition n. a storm with widespread snowfall accompanied by strong winds

Last update: September 7, 2015


After occuring snowstorm there was very cold.   [Please select]


Jackson had planned to propose to Elisabeth in Coronet Park after the first snowstorm, but if Miriam wanted to take part he would not deny her.   [Please select]


There he and Old Man Winter sit and smoke, and lay their plans for the next snowstorm.   [Please select]


On the 20th of December there was a fearful snowstorm, such as had not been witnessed for years.   [Please select]


As late as the middle of June there was a heavy snowstorm in New England.   [Please select]


"There's a big snowstorm coming up," ruminated the Master, as he scanned the grim weather-signs.   [Please select]


The newborn snowstorm was developing into a very promising little blizzard.   [Please select]


In a snowstorm, on such a dark night as this, they could not see our heads five yards off.   [Please select]


We were sadly mistaken; by the time we had gone another half-mile we were in the thick of a bewildering, blinding snowstorm.   [Please select]


It was on the way back from Kemmel village one day that I met a queer apparition through a heavy snowstorm.   [Please select]


Ten days before Christmas we had a big snowstorm--at least we thought it big at the time.   [Please select]

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snowslides - snowstorm - snowstorms