The call caused Cynthia to tremble with nervous frustration to the point of dropping a favorite sugar bowl, snowing the kitchen floor in white. [Please select]
It is snowing. [Please select]
"It's snowing," Rand mentioned. [Please select]
It was snowing here also, but it was merely an ordinary fall, and they could get a long view back up the pass. [Please select]
Towards two o'clock in the afternoon, while it was snowing hard, long whistles were heard approaching from the east.' [Please select]
We were up at daylight, and even then it was snowing and blowing fiercely. [Please select]
It was over twelve feet in depth; it had been snowing for six consecutive days and nights, and it was snowing yet. [Please select]
I could hear it coming with my left ear, and the proof is that it is now snowing hard outside. [Please select]
Sunday morning found it snowing steadily, the soft flakes coming down silently and covering the ground to the depth of several inches. [Please select]
It's snowing some today and Marilla says the old woman in the sky is shaking her feather beds. [Please select]
It was snowing hard, and through the drifting veil the trees across the way could hardly be discerned. [Please select]
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