Sentence example with the word 'snakelike'


Definition adj. resembling a serpent in form

Last update: September 10, 2015


By late July scales are well developed and the embryo is more snakelike in appearance, but pigmentation is still absent.   [Please select]


These ended in the sudden and violent appearance of Kaatje's fat and dishevelled form, followed by that of the snakelike Indudu.   [Please select]


Her eyes fell upon a wriggling, snakelike thing that lay in this path of light.   [Please select]


+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | Transcriber's note: | | | | Inconsistent hyphenations (cornfield/corn-field, | | henroost/hen-roost, outbuildings/out-buildings, | | runways/run-ways, sidehill/side-hill, snakelike/snake-like) have | | been retained.   [Please select]


They were the eyes of the snakelike columns that crawled so blindly on the scarred brown surface of the earth.   [Please select]


In the center, set round by fallen orange-blossoms, rose a great heap of black hair, snakelike in glistening coils.   [Please select]


Then suddenly, under her foot, she felt something long, curved, snakelike.   [Please select]


Out from the matted tangle of trees and brush and great snakelike vines behind the town rolled the appalling roars of guaribas, raucous bird calls, dismal hoots, sudden scattered screams.   [Please select]


She approached more cautiously, and the cub had full opportunity to observe her lean, snakelike body, and her head, erect, eager, and snake-like itself.   [Please select]

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snaked - snakelike - snakeroot