Sentence example with the word 'slumber'


ataraxia, calmness, dreamland, hibernation, marmoreal repose, placidness, repose, shut-eye, slumberland, stagnate, unconsciousness

Definition n. a natural and periodic state of rest during which consciousness of the world is suspended

Last update: September 26, 2015


The king was in deep slumber.   [noun]


Enormous lingcod seemed to slumber on flat slabs of rock, and well-camouflaged cabezon suddenly appeared in crevices.   [Please select]


VFN549 is parked up and can now slumber peacefully in the yard until Monday morning.   [Please select]


While goaded incessantly by these revengeful impulses that in a savage seldom slumber, the chief was still attentive to his more permanent personal interests.   [Please select]


But the watchfulness of these vigilant protectors neither tired nor slumbered.   [Please select]


Birds, beasts, and man, appeared to slumber alike, if, indeed, any of the latter were to be found in that wide tract of wilderness.   [Please select]


If all things slumbered not, there was at least as marked a pause in life.   [Please select]


Slumber is to be your diet and medicine after that good soup at which you make such a wry face.   [Please select]


"I remember what a happy change one hour of quiet slumber made in Sister Monica, when she was all but dead of a quartan fever."   [Please select]


But my business is with the justice; so let commerce and war go slumber.   [Please select]


The traveller leant back into a corner of the carriage with folded arms, and, with a deep sigh, composed himself for slumber.   [Please select]

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sluicing - slumber - slumbered