Sentence example with the word 'sludge'


berg, frazil, glop, ice, ice field, ice pinnacle, jokul, ooze, silt, slosh

Definition n. the precipitate produced by sewage treatment

Last update: August 8, 2015


You will always observe sludge in the sink of the kitchen.   [Please select]


On the night of the 5th of February the transit began, the cavalry leading the way through the snow-covered ice, which quickly thawed beneath the horses' hoofs so that the infantry which followed after had to wade through half an ell of sludge, fearing every moment lest the rotting ice should break beneath their feet.   [Please select]


This drops to the bottom of the kettle as a heavy sludge entangling about 10 per cent.   [Please select]


Overheating can be detected by the appearance of the sludge remaining after the gas has been made.   [Please select]


There they remained till the snow had abated, and then they struggled on amid ice and "sludge" until checked by a glacier.   [Please select]


Browning's little son; a carnival masquerade; Spiritualism; 'Sludge the Medium'; Count Ginnasi's clairvoyance; at Siena; Walter Savage Landor; illness of Mrs.   [Please select]


Ole Brer Fox, he grab de sludge-hammer, he did, en he come down on de rock--blim.   [Please select]


Th'ee times Brer Rabbit jump up en crack his heels tergedder en come down wid de sludge-hammer--ker-blam.'   [Please select]

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slubbing - sludge - sludgy