Sentence example with the word 'sloughs'


Last update: July 24, 2015


Below this region flow the streams of the Great Basin, none of which reach the sea, but either terminate in lakes having no outlet or else vanish in sloughs or " sinks."   [Please select]


The irrigation ditches were closed, thus providing the sloughs and ponds with fresh water, and lime was sprinkled on the mud flats and duck trails.   [Please select]


If the poison is not powerful or plentiful enough to produce death, it is, at any rate, likely to cause severe local abscesses or sloughs.   [Please select]


The nests are placed on the ground in marshes or sloughs, and are made of grasses, lined with feathers.   [Please select]


The children were lifted out of the wagon to stretch their legs at sloughs and houses.   [Please select]


Grebes are at home in reed-grown ponds or sloughs where their nests are made on rafts or islets of water-soaked vegetation.   [Please select]


After all what is this mortal tegument but a shell which a man sloughs off in eternal evolution.   [Please select]


--Yes, in several places" is a witticism that might be applied to many another State where muddy sloughs abounded."   [Please select]


Little companies of female Phalaropes may be seen at this time of the year frequenting the ponds and sloughs they inhabit.   [Please select]


The epidermis sloughs off soon afterward but the bone adheres to the wound.   [Please select]


These noble dogs were also called "Slough dogs," in consequence of their exploring the sloughs, mosses, and bogs, in pursuit of offenders, called Moss-troopers.   [Please select]

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sloughing - sloughs - sloven