Sentence example with the word 'sloughing'


Definition n. the process whereby something is shed

Last update: June 28, 2015


Sometimes the long life of the serpent and its habit of changing the skin suggested ideas of immortality and resurrection, and it is noteworthy that one Indian snake-festival occurs after or at the sloughing, when the sacred being is thus supposed to become purified.'   [Please select]


I looked round into the eyes of Ranjoor Singh, and felt my whole skin creep like a snake's at sloughing time.   [Please select]


In small, old, ventral hernias the method of compressing and sloughing off the skin has been used successfully.   [Please select]


But to be fair to him they were but the sloughing of a wound that would not heal.   [Please select]


They were sloughing their personal honor that minute, fraternizing with Turkish prisoners.   [Please select]


Second, by diffused inflammation of the areolar tissue, gangrene, and extensive sloughing.   [Please select]


It is generally followed by a great deal of sloughing and discharge, and pains are felt in the part periodically ever after.   [Please select]


The tissues with which the agent comes in contact are destroyed, sloughing and acute inflammation of the surrounding structures take place; intense pain in the abdomen and death ensue.   [Please select]


In the worst types of the disease gangrene may ensue, a quarter or half or even the whole udder, losing its vitality, and sloughing off if the cow can bear up against the depressing influence.   [Please select]

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sloughed - sloughing - sloughs