Sentence example with the word 'slouchy'


Definition adj. lacking stiffness in form or posture

Last update: September 30, 2015


"Of course you ain't gettin' slouchy, I don't mean anything like that."'   [Please select]


Can the Yankee regiments with their slouchy Dutchmen hope to capture it.   [Please select]


He was small and wiry, slouchy of attire, and armed to the teeth, and he bestrode a fine bay horse.   [Please select]


Duane looked him over, from dusty, worn-out boots to his slouchy sombrero.   [Please select]


"I've forgot," replied the boy in the slouchy speech and intonation of the hills.   [Please select]


A dusty crew, most evidently from the plains, now entered and drifted to a table; and each man of them gave the Virginian about a quarter of a slouchy nod.   [Please select]


But Fun See was delightfully Chinese from his junk-like shoes to the button on his pagoda hat; for he had got himself up in style, and was a mass of silk jackets and slouchy trousers.   [Please select]

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slouching - slouchy - slough