Sentence example with the word 'slewed'


Last update: August 18, 2015


While still warm, the oil, like hot punch, is received into the six-barrel casks; and while, perhaps, the ship is pitching and rolling this way and that in the midnight sea, the enormous casks are slewed round and headed over, end for end, and sometimes perilously scoot across the slippery deck, like so many land slides, till at last man-handled and stayed in their course; and all round the hoops, rap, rap, go as many hammers as can play upon them, for now, EX OFFICIO, every sailor is a cooper.   [Please select]


A heavy tramcar honking its gong slewed between.   [Please select]


Opposite one of these I slewed the car to the edge, got out, started it again and saw it pitch head-foremost into the darkness.   [Please select]


That sail had slewed round, and was drawing so that the vessel strained the ropes and grappling-irons that held her to the captured ship.   [Please select]


The negro drew the revolver from his belt, slewed round, took rapid aim and fired.   [Please select]


As he called again the boat slewed around, and shot, stern first, far out into the great flood of the Delaware.   [Please select]


While the men were desperately plying their poles the current slewed the craft around, and the voyage was resumed.   [Please select]

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sleuths - slewed - slewing