Sentence example with the word 'slacks'


Definition n. (usually in the plural) pants for casual wear

Last update: September 5, 2015


Ramesh bought slacks for Mahesh on his birthday.   [Please select]


Dean swore to himself and fumbled for a pair of slacks and his raincoat, whacking his shin on the bed in the process.   [Please select]


I put on my oldest trench cap, slacks, and a pair of scaife-soled boots, that I used to change into in the evening.   [Please select]


So Clover read:-- "Dear Clover,--Elsie says she is going to write you to-day; but I won't stop because next Saturday I'm going out fishing with the Slacks."'   [Please select]


It has in front of it as much earth as it can wish for; it keeps putty in a back-shop; and the factory which produces it never slacks work.   [Please select]

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slackness - slacks - slagging