Sentence example with the word 'sixte'


Last update: August 20, 2015


Be for come, the fourthe for his leyse, the fyfte for his commen pastures, and the sixte for his haye; and in wynter time there is but one occupied with come, and than hath the husbande other fyue to occupy tyll lente come, and that he hath his falowe felde, his ley felde, and his pasture felde al sommer.   [Please select]


Yet it was significant of the mentality of our High Command, as was afterward pointed out derisively by Sixte von Arnim.   [Please select]


But ouer all the Land, Iles, or other impediments, you may well see them sixteene or eighteene leagues from their situation.   [Please select]

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sixpenny - sixte - sixteen