Sentence example with the word 'sixpences'


Last update: September 30, 2015


The process is the same as that of finding the sum or differ I ence of 3 sixpences and 5 fourpences; we cannot subtract 3 sixpenny-bits from 5 fourpenny-bits, but we can express each as an equivalent number of Ones.   [Please select]


Sixpences and even shillings were showered from the windows, and as the last note of "Home, Sweet Home" died away Mrs.   [Please select]


To supply the demand the general court passed a law for establishing a coinage of shillings, sixpences, and threepences.   [Please select]


The buttons of his waist-coat were sixpences, and the knees of his small clothes were buttoned with silver threepences.   [Please select]


We don't get many half-crowns at Skelwick; it's mostly pennies and threepennybits, with a few sixpences, as I collect.   [Please select]


Here's the florin--I want a shilling and two sixpences for it, or else four sixpences.   [Please select]


That's right--give me three sixpences," said Miss Douglas, hurriedly putting the money in her purse."   [Please select]


Gwen carefully went over the piles of half-crowns, florins, shillings, and sixpences, and added them together.   [Please select]


I gave her a two-shilling piece, and as she had no sixpences, she ran to Gwen to ask change for my florin.   [Please select]


She came hurrying back, and handed me, as we both imagined, three sixpences.   [Please select]


He put his hand in his pocket and brought out some money--a lot of pennies and one or two shillings and sixpences and half-a-crown.   [Please select]

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sixpence - sixpences - sixpenny