Sentence example with the word 'situs'


Last update: July 12, 2015


[Ascribed to Theophrastus, or his time, by Zeller.] 3.t avEpwv 9eaees Kai 7rpoa7 7 yoptaL: Ventorum situs et appellationes: A fragment on the winds.   [Please select]


Opus igitur quod Eurystheus Herculí imperáverat erat summae difficultátis, nón modo ob causás quás memorávimus, sed etiam quod Herculés omnínó ígnórábat quó in locó hortus ille situs esset.   [Please select]


Besides, there are to be found among them some of the modes of pure sensibility (quando, ubi, situs, also prius, simul), and likewise an empirical conception (motus)--which can by no means belong to this genealogical register of the pure understanding.   [Please select]

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situations - situs - siver