Sentence example with the word 'sinuously'


Definition adv. in a sinuous manner

Last update: July 25, 2015


The four alarming objects get under way, cloud-shape, in the trench that unwinds itself sinuously before them like a blind alley, unsafe, unlighted, and unpaved.   [Please select]


But when he moved, and they saw the rope trail sinuously behind him through the scanty grass, they were almost paralyzed with panic.   [Please select]


Long, shining weeds, red, yellow, amber, purple, and olive, waved sinuously among the weed-like sea-anemones which outshone them in colored sheen.   [Please select]


Presently over the top of the ridge, at the gap wherein had first appeared the form of the leaping buck, a low, dark shape came, moving sinuously and with deadly swiftness.   [Please select]


Miss Warren never walked nor glided nor swayed sinuously as languorous Southern society belles are supposed to do; she romped and bounced, and she was chattering amiably at this moment.   [Please select]

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sinuous - sinuously - sinus