A fully initiated Manichaean would not even cut his own salad, but employed a catechumen to commit on his behalf this act of murder, for which he subsequently shrived him. [Please select]
Then the Franks kneeled on the ground while the archbishop shrived them clean and blessed them in the name of God. [Please select]
Then I shrived him, and that very morning gave him the Lord's sacred body in the Church of the Sepulchre. [Please select]
Coronach shall wail for thee; Get thee shrived and get thee blest, Get thee ready for thy rest, Elleree. [Please select]
So he shrived the host, and at the end they said "Amen" in one voice. [Please select]
And when Earl Godrich had so sworn, the King shrived him clean of all his sins. [Please select]
Now after Sir Guy had made his toilsome pilgrimage to Jerusalem, and shrived him of his life, and done his prayers and penances about the holy places, he took his way to Antioch. [Please select]
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