Sentence example with the word 'shrewdest'


Last update: July 10, 2015


His utter failure was due, partly to the vices of an undisciplined temperament, and partly to the extraordinary difficulties of the most inscrutable period of European history, when the shrewdest heads were at fault and irreparable blunders belonged to the order of the day.   [Please select]


The shrewdest calculations are often wrong.   [Please select]


Whittier entered the fight with absolute courage and with the shrewdest practical judgment of weapons and tactics.   [Please select]


Political managers of the old school spoke of him as "brilliant but erratic"; they soon found him equal to the shrewdest in negotiation and action.   [Please select]


I wish to tell you that one of the shrewdest detectives in New York is at work on this case.   [Please select]


Ziffak was the shrewdest member of the Murhapa tribe and much more fitted to be its ruler than King Haffgo.   [Please select]


The Florida crocodile is the shrewdest species of all those I know personally.   [Please select]


The men we're up against are the shrewdest rats in Palestine.'   [Please select]


"I hear he's one of the shrewdest men in all the colonies, and I don't doubt the report."   [Please select]


Had Nancy been the shrewdest of mortals she could have said nothing that would have pleased Lena more.   [Please select]


Among the hoofed and horned animals of North America the white- tailed deer is the shrewdest in the recognition of its enemies, the wisest in the choice of cover, and in measures for self- preservation.   [Please select]

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shrewder - shrewdest - shrewdly