Sentence example with the word 'showy'


affected, chichi, elevated, flaunting, gaudy, high-flown, labyrinthine, ornate, peacocky, sensational, sporty

Definition adj. marked by ostentation but often tasteless

Last update: September 20, 2015


He is said to have been vain and fat, and to have been so fond of display that he was nicknamed Pompicus, or the Showy (unless the epithet refers to his literary style).   [Please select]


Colonel Dent was less showy; but, I thought, more lady-like.   [Please select]


The Herbert home, a showy country-place in a region of farms, merited a name; but no one except Mrs.   [Please select]


In 551 a rich man of Ts'u was considered insolently showy because he possessed forty horses.'   [Please select]


These were of scarlet, yellow, and other showy colors in silks and cloths, with fantastically scalloped and fringed valences.   [Please select]


Over her showy dress she wore a long opera-cloak, so that at first her splendors were not fully visible.   [Please select]


Then, early one spring, came Knave--a showy, magnificent collie; red-gold of coat save for a black "saddle," and with alert topaz eyes.   [Please select]


The lesson of the whistle is always needed; we are prone to put aside the essential thing for the temporary and showy.   [Please select]


"He was a muff as a boy--a prig with a prig's memory under all his shallow, showy surface."   [Please select]


They lived in a showy apartment hotel in the West Fifties, kept a motor-car, and went out for dinner.   [Please select]


He has an eye for color, and prefers to have his picture a showy and effective one even if some of the accessories are purely of the imagination.   [Please select]

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shows - showy - shrank