Sentence example with the word 'showroom'


Definition n. an area where merchandise

Last update: August 1, 2015


Mellish guessed at something even before her client arrived; but the moment she entered the showroom all was revealed to her at once.   [Please select]


As Gabriella passed through the last showroom, where the disorder of the sale was still visible, she saw Miss Murphy, the handsomest and the haughtiest of the young women, wearily returning the few rejected hats to the ivory-tinted cases.   [Please select]


A little later, when she went into the showroom with a hat for Miss Bellman, she encountered Madame bonneted, cloaked, panting, with moist eyes and raddled cheeks, preparing to take a slow airing in a hansom.   [Please select]


His voice, eager and friendly over the telephone, had given her confidence, and when she went back to the showroom, where the saleswomen were assembling, she was already planning the interview.   [Please select]


At that time very few of the Rhode Island Reds were as dark in color as the average specimen now seen in the showroom, and buff specimens were numerous.   [Please select]

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showplace - showroom - showrooms