Sentence example with the word 'shirtfront'


Definition n. the front of a shirt

Last update: August 13, 2015


The master has come off badly: his shirtfront, waistcoat and trousers are covered with smears, which are all smoldering and burning into holes.   [Please select]


The back of the head is connected by a narrow black collar with an expansive shirtfront of this hue.   [Please select]


Each has his name printed in legible letters on his shirtfront: Nasodoro, Goldfinger, Chrysostomos, Maindoree, Silversmile, Silberselber, Vifargent, Panargyros.   [Please select]


I didn't know he had it in him, but he came out delightfully and never cared a particle, though I dropped tears all over his lovely shirtfront.   [Please select]


(Signor Maffei, passionpale, in liontamer's costume with diamond studs in his shirtfront, steps forward, holding a circus paperhoop, a curling carriagewhip and a revolver with which he covers the gorging boarhound.)   [Please select]

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shirt - shirtfront - shirting