Sentence example with the word 'shinned'


Last update: September 6, 2015


The avifauna include - among the birds of prey - the red-shouldered hawk, red-tailed hawk, marsh hawk, Cooper's hawk, sharp-shinned hawk and sparrow hawk; the great horned owl, the barn owl and the screech owl; and bald eagles are not uncommon in the mountainous regions along the larger rivers.   [Please select]


A searching party headed by Anderson Crow shinned up the ladder to the low garret.   [Please select]


"Lucien made a mad dash for a tree nearby, up which he shinned and hid far up in the foliage."   [Please select]


He shinned up the ladder into the garret just in time.   [Please select]


Quickly dropping his homely vehicle, little Lucien ran for a tree and shinned up it without loss of time.   [Please select]


9, 10_ A large edition of the Sharp-shinned Hawk, with the tail more rounded, the adult with a darker crown.   [Please select]


It resembles the Sharp-shinned in habits but being larger may prey on larger birds.   [Please select]


Recalling the days of his boyhood, he cast off his coat and nimbly shinned up the trunk of the tree.   [Please select]


Zeb took off his coat and then shinned up the tree.   [Please select]


Cooper's hawk having a rounded tail with whitish tip, and the sharp-shinned hawk a square tail.   [Please select]


A bold climber "shinned" up the fifty or sixty feet of rough tree-trunk and looked in upon the eleven eggs.   [Please select]

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shinleaf - shinned - shinnery