Sentence example with the word 'shenanigan'


antic, device, frolic, gimmick, lark, maneuver, monkeyshine, ploy, shines, stunt, trick, wile

Definition n. reckless or malicious behavior that causes discomfort or annoyance in others

Last update: September 7, 2015


They went to extraordinary lengths in all sorts of grafting, in the sale of public real estate, in every "shenanigan" known to skillful low-grade politicians.   [Please select]


"Well, you needn't try to fix up any shenanigan for me," he said.   [Please select]


Wal, sir, I made up my mind that they warn't going to come any shenanigan over me, and I struck the shortest line for Fort Severn.   [Please select]

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shelving - shenanigan - shenanigans